Browser Safety

Change Plus

Perpetrator Learning and Understanding Self

Delivered in collaboration with local police forces

Change Plus is a 12 hour domestic abuse awareness course. It is an early intervention project that helps to enable perpetrators of abuse to recognise their behaviour is abusive.

Session aims

  • Increase the safety of victims and children living with domestic violence and abuse
  • Divert domestic abuse offenders away from the criminal justice system by providing alternative, proportionate, effective and targeted interventions to reduce the risk of reoffending
  • Enable perpetrators to recognise they have been violent, coercive or controlling and consider changing their behaviour
  • Reduce the potential for reoffending through early identification of risk leading to a swift, proportionate and effective criminal justice response
  • Help perpetrators to identify beliefs and intents that underpin their abusive behaviour
  • Help perpetrators to acknowledge the effects of their abusive behaviour
  • Improve collaboration and decision making at the point of arrest resulting in interventions which are more targeted and proportionate
  • Identify the risks and needs of Domestic abuse perpetrators at the earliest point after arrest to inform effective decision making , reduce re-offending and provide support
  • Identify and share relevant information across the partners in particular in those cases that are assessed as high risk
  • Improve information sharing between the criminal justice and community safety partners in order to reduce re-offending

Long term goals of the programme include:

  • reducing the reoccurrence of domestic abuse in the future
  • reducing re-offending
  • reducing future demands on the criminal justice system and partner agencies
  • providing help and support to the victims of these offences

Following assessment of risk, the perpetrator is required to attend the 12 hour domestic abuse awareness sessions. The course will provide information, discussion and reflection on ‘what is domestic abuse?’ Followed by discussion and reflection on ‘the impact of domestic abuse’.

I have been referred

What is Change PLUS?

Change PLUS is carried out over 12 hours over 4 evenings.

The course is carried out in 2 parts. Part one focuses on awareness and responsibility. Part 2 looks at strategies for change and includes managing thought processes

Follow the instructions in the email sent to you to access the Microsoft Teams video conferencing training sessions. You will require:

  • Internet access
  • A phone, tablet or laptop with camera access
  • A private, quiet space to talk confidentially

Please note that smoking or eating during the session will not be permitted

You will not be allowed to continue on the training if you are not able to be clearly seen by the facilitators. Or it is observed that you are not alone or are in transit.

For further information, please call 07568128932

Contact us.