Browser Safety

Self Referral (Change Hub)


Thank you for contacting us. We will make contact with you to discuss your situation further.

By submitting this form you consent to allowing us to use this information as stated below:

Who will use this information?

The Change Portfolio T/A The Change Project.

What will you use this information for?

We will only use this information to respond to your enquiry.

Will you share this information?

If we need to share this information in order to satisfactorily respond to this enquiry we will contact you first.

How long will you keep this information?

The details of this enquiry will be kept securely for 6 months.

What control will I have over the information I give you?

You have full control over this information. At any time you can…

  • request an electronic copy of the information you gave us
  • ask us to not do anything with the information
  • ask us to erase it from our systems sooner than 6 months
  • ask for changes to be made to the information if you believe it is incorrect

If I’m unhappy with the way you are handling my information who can I complain to?

You can contact the Information Commissioners Office on 0303 1231113

…are you ready to Change?